Monday, July 16, 2007

The ONLY reason John McCain is losing ground

The media has been talking up the tailspin that presidential hopeful, Senator John McCain finds himself in these days, with the talking heads placing the blame at McCains support of the Iraq war.

The truth is the war has nothing to do with it at all. Although over 70% of Americans currently want the U.S. to withdraw its forces from Iraq, those Republicans who vote in the primaries have generally supported the war from the start. Of those, 68% still support the President and his war policies and believe that the U.S. can still win.

Those are the voters that John McCain needs in order to win, but he lost them decisively when he teamed up with Senator Edward Kennedy to create an amnesty bill for illegal aliens. Conservatives by and large are law and order individuals, they believe in the right to bear arms, they believe that most law enforcement officials are honest and hard working, they believe in the death penalty, and they believe that if you want to live and work in the United States, you need to enter the country through proper channels and do so legally. What they do not believe in is rewarding illegal behaviour.

John McCain may very well believe that the bill was the right thing to do, but as for winning this election, it was the worst mistake he could have made.

1 comment:

pathickey said...

That is why I am and will remain firmly in John McCain's corner.

He is the only American leader who can lead the War on Islamist Terror - that, boys and girls, is the only issue that matters.

For more McCain support stop by my place - it's messy as hell but homey!