Thursday, October 19, 2006

Duane Chapman again

It seems that trouble always seems to follow Duane Chapman. After having been arrested on a warrant from Mexico, Chapman is playing to the religious right in an effort to keep from being extradited back to face his charges. The problem is, it just might work!

Duane Chapman is a bounty hunter, and I ask you, what does a bounty hunter do? He tracks down those who have "JUMPED BAIL". This is exactly the same thing Duane Chapman did in Mexico....he was arrested on an illegal detention warrant for his illegal bounty hunting in Mexico (where it is illegal). As a matter of fact, bounty hunting is illegal in several states in the United States so its not just the Mexican government that does not like his tactics.

Duane Chapman knew it was illegal to operate as he was in Mexico and he did it anyway, why? Because he has a history of not following the law. He has been arrested 18 times for ARMED ROBBERY and was convicted for Accessory to Murder. I do not care how many or who he puts away, his contributions do not ever wipe that slate clean. You would think that after the first arrest he would have learned his lesson; ok, that's a bit much he should have learned after the second arrest.....still asking too much of the guy? Ok, he should have learned after the 10th arrest....still too much? How many times are we going to let this guy get arrested and still call him some kind of hero? Certainly not 18!

The bottom line is Duane Chapman broke the law, he skipped on his bond and should be immediately returned to Mexico to face the charges! He should have KNOWN BETTER considering what he does for living.


Anonymous said...

you obviously don't know all of the facts of the case, and quite frankly, i've never seen someone so ignorant. dog's extradition would be ILLEGAL, considering in order for an extradition to be LEGAL, the crime in question must be ILLEGAL in BOTH countries! last time i checked, bounty hunting was LEGAL in the U.S.

Anonymous said...

They outa send this boy right back there and hang him from the nearest tree!

I cannot figure it out, why so many people are enamored with this fool, who is a convicted murderer.

He should have been forced to serve his entire sentence at hard labor.

Anonymous said...

another ignorant moron, this is the same person who commented first, you should really learn your facts, dog himself was not convicted of murder, his crime sentence was only a year and a half. since when do criminals only spend that amount of time in prison??

Anonymous said...

I think you are the ignorant moron who unaware of the facts.

Duane chapman has been arrested 18 times for armed robbery. How many times are we supposed to give this guy a break huh?

He was convicted of murder and he was sentenced to 5 years, not the year and a half you claim. He was paroled after a year and a half.

Get your facts straight asshole.

After being arrested as many times as he has I would think they would and SHOULD have finally thrown away the key on him.

He is a disgrace.

Anonymous said...

ok, first of all, there's no need for language, and second, if you have such a hate for duane chapman, why are you wasting your time arguing with a stupid fan like me?? i have a reason to be here: to defend american heros, you need to get a life....

Anonymous said...

American Hero? You are absolutely out of your flippin mind!

Why is it you morons on the right will defend this murderer to hell and back but then at the same time want to send everyone else to prison and throw away the damn key?

As for my language, unless you are the blogger I will say whatever I want to say anytime I want to say it.

This guy is a convicted FELON!!!!!! Don't forget that, and he deserves to be sent back to Mexico to face the music for his bullshit actions down there. Fine, he put away a bad guy, big damn deal, the only way he did it was to break the law and your ok with that? Two wrong don't make a right little boy.

Let me pose a question to you, how many damn chances are we supposed to give this guy ? huh? 18 is MORE THAN ENOUGH!

Now I'm the asshole because I think this moron belongs in prison for the rest of his life.

D.W. said...
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Anonymous said...

Well it looks like the Dog man is going to become someones bitch real soon!

He lost his appeal and Mexico is rightly demanding that his skanky ass be returned there asap so they can get to doin it like Pruitt used to do it!

Anonymous said...

I guess you guys don't have souls, and your hearts are stone cold, I'm not trying to start a fight, just saying that DOG did a great thing taking Luster out off the streets and I think everyone should consider that.

Anonymous said...

The question is NOT whether taking luster off the street was a good or bad thing, it has to do with the RULE OF LAW! Dog the Law Breaker, broke the law not once but twice!

first by bounty hunting illegally and then by jumping friggin bail. what part of that is so friggin hard for you morons to understand?

I thik the blogger has it right, sne dhis dumb ass back and let jhim stnad trial like anyone else.

Anonymous said...

Right, Mexican law, he's an AMERICAN!! Also, what he is being charged for is a misdemeanor, so it is ILLEGAL to extradite him. Learn some legal knowledge before you speak. Might as well learn how to spell while you're at it....

Anonymous said...

Wrong, its not just Mexican law that says its illegal, it is illegal in several U.S. States as well.

Anyway, the question isn't whether he broke an American law you dumb fuck, he was in MEXICO when he did it.

The prick should stand trial.

Anonymous said...

hahahaha it doesn't matter what you moronic fans think, The dog is headed to Mexica where he is going to become some big boys bitch!

couldn't happen to a more ugly SOB.

Anonymous said...

First of all you guys sound like little high school girls, fighting over their boyfriends. Second..there is no reason to this...Everyone has an opion. No two people are going to agree on everything, besides that calling each other names isnt the way to solve anything! DOG the bounty hunter, says he never murdered anyone..he says it was another gang member, if you dont know all the facts than you can only beleive what the person says. As far as Andrew Luster goes, he needed to be hunted down and put behind bars, anyone who says differently in crazy! And if going to Mexico, makes it okay for you to rape people in the United States than shame on your country not shame on DOG for going to get him. What kind of message are we sending to other people in this country about raping innocent women? If the Mexican government finds DOG guilty, than we are telling all U.S. citzens that they can rape (burtially) and flee to Mexico and nothing will ever happen to you. Is this the message you all want to be put out representing your country?? I know that I dont! Not only do we as citzens need to stand up for DOG, but so does our justice system!

You all are not going to agree with me and that is fine! Because this is MY opinion!!


Anonymous said...

Your opinion isn't worth the time it took you to write that long winded diatribe on this idiot.

You talk about the rule of law, what about the law he broke? So your telling americans that its alright for them to go to another country and break their laws, and to top it off, JUMP FUCKING BAIL! afterwards and we'll reward you by calling you a hero? Gimme a fuckin break.

As for the murder conviction, you said in absence of the facts, you will believe him. What a crock of bullshit.

You have the facts, a jury of his PEERS convicted his sorry ass and sent him to prison. By your standard, are you going to believe every person who was ever convicted because THEY SAY they are innocent? Fuck no you wouldn't. You are defending the biggest moron and loud mouth I have ever seen.

Your a joke as well, because your arguments don't hold an ounce of spit.

Anonymous said...

Its true that not everyone will agree on this topic. But we can all agree that a rapist should be put in prison, correct? Legally, he should not be allowed to wander the streets whether it is here in the States or in Mexico. Dog and his team did the RIGHT thing, and he truely is a hero, not only to Luster's victims but to a large percentage of Americans. To those of you who think Dog shouldn't have apprehended Luster in Mexico I say to you: What if your daughter was one of the many ladies raped by Luster? What if she, too, was on his 'hit list?' Would you think it is ok for Luster to wander Mexico's streets looking for another victim?? "TRUTH AND JUSTICE HAS TO PREVAIL IN THE END" -Dog

Anonymous said...

Boy oh boy, another fan blinded by their love for this idiot that they miss the point in its entirety.

The question is not whether Luster deserves to be in jail. I don't think even the blogger would agrue that, the question is and always has been "Is what Duane Chapman did, RIGHT?" and the answer to that is "NO"!!!!!!!

He broke the law by going into mexico and bounty hunting illegally. From what you are implying, you could argue that it would be legal for the canadian authorities or a canadian bounty hunter to come into the U.S. and kidnap someone and take them across the border and break our laws and nothing should be done about it?

Oh, that's right, it ONLY APPLIES TO AMERICANS!

I hope Dog spends his every waking moment worried that someone is going to make him their boy.

This is not about luster, never has been and you are purposely trying to hide what he did.

Two wrongs don't make a right and the ends do not justify the menas.

Anonymous said...

i bet you would feel differently if andrew luster had raped one of your family memebers....

Anonymous said...

You can keep trying to make it a luster issue, it isn't and that just goes to show you how diengenious some of you are.

The issue is did Chapman break the law by illegally bounty hunting in Mexico? the answer is yes. did he jump bail? Yes!!!!!

what part of that is so hard for you morons to understand?

Blogger, are you going to keep allowing this idiots to post their crap? Come on, its time to use your delete button!

Anonymous said...

he was advised by mexican lawyers not to return to mexico, and when they arrested luster, they had mexican authorities with would think that someone who saved women all around the world would deserve some sympathy and mercy, just goes to show that my theory that you have no heart or soul is true

Anonymous said...

Really? Where did you acquire such information? Because this is the first time that has EVER been said.

Your a liar and so is Duane Chapman and I hope he rots in prison for the rest of his life; which is where he B-E-L-O-N-G-S!

Mark H

Anonymous said...

Its time to send this criminal back to Meheco and let them have their way with his sorry ass.

Anonymous said...

Can i just say you all need to get over yourselves.
Dog Chapman did the wrong thing he shouldn't have jumped bail and maybe he shouldn't have caught Luster. He is human after all he has admitted his mistakes and has done his time. What happened to forgivness????
Give the guy a break. If i ever meet him i will shake his hand i think he does a good job and i'm glad Luster is off the streets.