Thursday, October 19, 2006

Duane Chapman again

It seems that trouble always seems to follow Duane Chapman. After having been arrested on a warrant from Mexico, Chapman is playing to the religious right in an effort to keep from being extradited back to face his charges. The problem is, it just might work!

Duane Chapman is a bounty hunter, and I ask you, what does a bounty hunter do? He tracks down those who have "JUMPED BAIL". This is exactly the same thing Duane Chapman did in Mexico....he was arrested on an illegal detention warrant for his illegal bounty hunting in Mexico (where it is illegal). As a matter of fact, bounty hunting is illegal in several states in the United States so its not just the Mexican government that does not like his tactics.

Duane Chapman knew it was illegal to operate as he was in Mexico and he did it anyway, why? Because he has a history of not following the law. He has been arrested 18 times for ARMED ROBBERY and was convicted for Accessory to Murder. I do not care how many or who he puts away, his contributions do not ever wipe that slate clean. You would think that after the first arrest he would have learned his lesson; ok, that's a bit much he should have learned after the second arrest.....still asking too much of the guy? Ok, he should have learned after the 10th arrest....still too much? How many times are we going to let this guy get arrested and still call him some kind of hero? Certainly not 18!

The bottom line is Duane Chapman broke the law, he skipped on his bond and should be immediately returned to Mexico to face the charges! He should have KNOWN BETTER considering what he does for living.