Saturday, November 29, 2008
Final post before new blog comes online
This is still somewhat of a work in progress, so feel free to let us know what you think, and any suggestions for improvements will be appreciated.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Giving Credit where Credit is Due
I have to give credit where credit is due. Given the same set of circumstances, I would have turned down public financing for the general election. Why hamstring yourself when you are breaking every fundraising record in existence, not to mention that the attention span of an American voter is less than three days, so Obama's promise to use public financing was not going to cost him any significant amount of votes.
Obama campaigned in all 50 states. He forced McCain to defend territory that he normally would not have to defend. Obama took the fight to McCain, instead of doing what the McCain people did and waited for the final three days to put up any significant fight.
Obama did not concede a single state during the campaign. McCain out the door handed Obama California, New York, Illinois and Michigan. Those four states accounted for 45.9% of the electoral votes needed. When you give your opponent that much of a head start, you are going to lose.
Although this election was more about firing George Bush than it was electing Obama, I will give credit where credit is due - they ran one helluva campaign from a strategic point of view.
This should serve as a lesson to the Republican Party that if you want to win, you need to campaign in all 50 states.
Park Closings are Blagojevich's Doing
The bottom line is the Blagojevich Administration has spent itself silly since they came into office and this is the result of that action. Blagojevich has been in office long enough and you cannot continue to blame previous administrations for his inept handling of the state finances.
We had a chance to solve the problem, instead we made it worse by nominating the worst possible Republican candidate in the field and she had her perverbial fanny handed to her on a silver platter.
Illinois may be a blue state at this point, but nothing lasts forever.
The Fat Lady is Warming UP Rosie
Walmart Worker Killed by Out of Control Shoppers
I hope those gifts were worth this 34 year old's life; how anyone could step on another in an attempt to be the first is beyond me and Walmart bears responsibility as well.
These stores encourage this type of behaviour with their "early bird", "door buster" sales.
It is time for them to stop, and if they will not do so on their own, then I encourage the local authorities to step in and ensure that they do; this world has now been robbed of a 34 year old man's contribution to society and for what? A lousy material item. It stinks.
Newsweek is anything but objective
Jonathan Alter and Dahlia Lithwick are two of the worst offenders. They are not reporters, they engage in partisan, anti-Bush, Republican bashing, diatribes that are not worthy of the National Enquirer.
I have no problem with reporters discussing their opinions, their views; however when they do they need to make it crystal clear that they are NOT REPORTING, but engaging in a personal dialogue. Crossing the line between news and editorializing is a sin for reporters, or was at one time; I suppose for these generational individuals, I am the old fuddy duddy who needs to shut up and go away.
Fat chance that is going to happen. I will continue to point out what I see as violations of the unwritten rule of editorializing in the name of news.
MIchele Obama needs to be careful
My mother would take exception with that statement. In her 70+ years the one time of the day she enjoyed the most, the time that she was able to relax and take a moment to reflect was during the time she spent washing the dishes.
I would venture to say that Michele Obama has not actually washed a dish in a number of years.
I would caution her to be careful and not make the same mistakes that Hillary did. She is the First Lady, not the Assistant President.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Congratulations to Brian Hampton
Congratulations Brian on an outstanding achievement.

Some Libs Will Not Give Up the Lies
That said, I do read several blogs from Illinois that I find not only enjoyable but informative and those include Backyard Conservative, Wilmette, The Illinois Review, Second City Cop, etc.
Well tonight I was reading some email and then decided to check out a few blog postings on What I found was disheartening and laughable all at the same time. There are some people that just cannot give up the rhetoric, the lies, the mis-information campaigns, even after they have won the election.
An example is Warren Sanford of Sacramento:
"The looting goes unchallenged..." What looting are you talking about Warren?
"pardons for drug dealers are flowing like a river..." You are kidding right? Bush has issued less than half the pardons of Clinton or Reagan and you are still unhappy? Are you familiar with any of these cases Warren to know the reasons behind the pardons? I doubt it.
"...Bush can sneak in charming little laws with no oversight." You are really losing your mind there Warren, because the President cannot implement any laws without Congressional OK. However in my attempt this week to be positive and fair, I ask you what little laws are you talking about?
"Maybe both administrations should be briefed at the same time..." Uh, Warren listen carefully here ok? OBAMA DOES NOT HAVE AN ADMINSTRATION YET, NOT UNTIL HE IS SWORN INTO OFFICE AND HIS TRANSITION TEAM IS BEING KEPT AWARE OF EVERY SINGLE DETAIL EVERYDAY.
Did you hear that Warren? His transition team is being briefed and they are briefed on a daily basis.
Whether you like it or not, Bush is President until January 20, 2009 12:00pm. Like it or lump it that is the way it is. Making up lies in an effort to confuse and obfuscate the truth will not change that one iota.
Iraqi Parliament Approves U.S. Security Pact
Our prayers are with the hostages in Mumbai
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Alan Colmes to leave Hannity
Although Alan is leaving the show, he is apparently staying with Fox, who he said has treated him extremely well over the years.
So much for Fox being one sided eh?
Alan is a class act.
Foxnews getting the cold shoulder?
Obama spokesman, Robert Gibbs says "I would tell them, get a good question and stay tuned".
Emphasis was added there.
So who gets to decide whether a question is a good one or not? Apparently the Obama Administration will decide whether a question is appropriate and "Good Enough".
Hmmmmm makes one think.
Paul Volcker - Is this really what we need?
That is not an attack, it is a fact. Facts are not negative, they are simply spelling out the truth.
So far, Obama has been pretty decent with his picks, not the same individuals I would have chosen, but certainly not off the radar screen either - until now.
Paul Volcker is a bad choice Mr. Obama and I would hope that you would reconsider this decision before we find ourselves in another deep deflationary period where prices drop and the monetary costs, inflation skyrocket and drive us into a depression.
Doom and Gloom is not my forte' but I am very concerned with this choice. Maybe Volcker has learned from his past mistakes, are we willing and able to risk that? At this time I say no.
What is the "Office of the President-Elect" ?
How long has this office been around? Who are the members ?
Inquiring Minds wanna know!
Status of new site
I am excited about this change.....and looking forward to being able to have better control over the site.
Best emergency landing I have ever seen
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Obama's Agenda will not change
It is precisely due to the economy that he will not only push his liberal agenda but will have a blank check in doing so. The deficit will approach 1 trillion dollars next year; we will see spending like we have never seen it before, and all of it in the name of strengthing the economy and providing jobs.
This is the time for all to pay attention and hold their feet to the fire and not allow them to spend ourselves into a hole that we cannot ever recover from.
The Shield - Final Episode
I promised to remain positive for this entire week, are my thoughts:
That about sums it up! :)
Will Black Friday produce?
In a short search of specials being advertised for that day, I have seen stores such as Best Buy offering HDTV units for upwards of $700.00 off the list price, Circuit City is offering over 50% discounts on selected items and thus the race begins.
It is interesting to note though, Apple Computer, Inc. so far has refused to get in the middle of the price slashing; which of course has been something of a common trait for Apple, they refuse to price their wares at prices below what they consider them worth and guess what? They are still in business AND turning a profit.
Monday, November 24, 2008
What happened to Civil Discourse?
During the Reagan Administration (I know, some are already rolling their eyes), there was an honest and open disagreement on policy but the parties remained cordial and respectful; today, that is not longer the status quo rather it is the exception.
I recall seeing President Reagan and Speaker O'Neil talking in the White House and honetly enjoying each others company. They disagreed on policy, they disagreed on spending, but they remained friends and it showed.
It is time to bring back civility to the process, to show respect whether it is deserved or not, and even when we disagree remain cordial and polite.
Williamson Makes a Good Point
Some are going to accuse the Sheriff of getting soft in his old age, or they may accuse him of being senile, but he makes sense. Unless there is an overriding reason, we need to use better discretion.
Hats off to Neil for trying to improve a bad situation.
A Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone
May G-d bless all of you.
Footloose and Cancer Free
All else pales in comparison.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
The Biggest Shopping Day of the Year
Yes, you heard me right, I am going to be loading up the dogs, the shotguns, and a pocket full of shotgun shells and head out for a brisk morning of coffee and the smell of burnt powder as we lay claim to the all American tradition of hunting pheasants in Central Illinois.
It will be the first hunt this season for all of us, and probaly one of the last for any hunter in Illinois, but since I promised to spend a week of writing nothing but positive comments, I will leave it there.....a happy day of hunting! Nothing could be better!
Rockford Visitors Bureau Downtown Plan
This is based on the original plan of a convention center but on a more scaled version.
Rockford has never been able to generate much interest in the downtown district due to the lack of accomodations and they have yet to get a developer interested. With the river front, the Metro Centre, the Coronado Performing Arts Center, etc. the Visitors Bureau believes that now is the time and the economics would work.
I hope the plan succeeds.
Brett Favre does it again!
Congratulations to Favre and the Jets! You have proven that you are still the best of the best.
Congratulatons to SHG
Good luck!
Republicans have a wonderful opportunity
I have three positive suggestions for them over the next 708 days that they can do that will give them a huge advantage going into the elections:
1. Remain positive. When you need to attack an Obama position, do so by offering an alternative, an alternative that is WORKABLE.
2. Stay true to the basic principles of supply-side economics which has in all cases proved to be the one economic plan that works.
3. Get your message out, engage the party at not only the national leve, but get them engaged and onboard at the state and local level, right down to the precinct committeeman. They will have the ability to tailor that message to the voters and without the Presidential bully pulpit, we need them.
Three basic steps that will greatly aid in reversing the losses, three positive steps that will allow the party to gain seats instead of losing them and three steps that are SIMPLE AND EASY.
We will be moving
So in the next month or so I hope to complete the move to Wordpress, which will provide far more features, skins, and sort of spruce the place up a bit.
I know I am excited about it for several reasons, one of which will be that I handled the complete installation myself.