Sunday, November 23, 2008

Republicans have a wonderful opportunity

With only 708 days until the mid-term elections the Republicans have a wonderful opportunity to redefine themselves to the the voters.

I have three positive suggestions for them over the next 708 days that they can do that will give them a huge advantage going into the elections:

1. Remain positive. When you need to attack an Obama position, do so by offering an alternative, an alternative that is WORKABLE.

2. Stay true to the basic principles of supply-side economics which has in all cases proved to be the one economic plan that works.

3. Get your message out, engage the party at not only the national leve, but get them engaged and onboard at the state and local level, right down to the precinct committeeman. They will have the ability to tailor that message to the voters and without the Presidential bully pulpit, we need them.

Three basic steps that will greatly aid in reversing the losses, three positive steps that will allow the party to gain seats instead of losing them and three steps that are SIMPLE AND EASY.

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