Thursday, November 27, 2008

Some Libs Will Not Give Up the Lies

From time to time I read through the blog postings on other sites, news organizations, etc., more for entertainment purposes than to actually acquire any knowledge because frankly most of those I read on those sites are just off the deep end.

That said, I do read several blogs from Illinois that I find not only enjoyable but informative and those include Backyard Conservative, Wilmette, The Illinois Review, Second City Cop, etc.

Well tonight I was reading some email and then decided to check out a few blog postings on What I found was disheartening and laughable all at the same time. There are some people that just cannot give up the rhetoric, the lies, the mis-information campaigns, even after they have won the election.

An example is Warren Sanford of Sacramento:

For President Bush-this is going just fine. The looting goes unchallenged, pardons for drug dealers are flowing like a river and everyone is so distracted, Bush can sneak in charming little laws with no oversight. Maybe both administrations should be briefed at the same time....but how much of this mess do you wanna get on Obama? as it stands now-George is the one wearing this egg on his face.

"The looting goes unchallenged..." What looting are you talking about Warren?

"pardons for drug dealers are flowing like a river..." You are kidding right? Bush has issued less than half the pardons of Clinton or Reagan and you are still unhappy? Are you familiar with any of these cases Warren to know the reasons behind the pardons? I doubt it.

"...Bush can sneak in charming little laws with no oversight." You are really losing your mind there Warren, because the President cannot implement any laws without Congressional OK. However in my attempt this week to be positive and fair, I ask you what little laws are you talking about?

"Maybe both administrations should be briefed at the same time..." Uh, Warren listen carefully here ok? OBAMA DOES NOT HAVE AN ADMINSTRATION YET, NOT UNTIL HE IS SWORN INTO OFFICE AND HIS TRANSITION TEAM IS BEING KEPT AWARE OF EVERY SINGLE DETAIL EVERYDAY.

Did you hear that Warren? His transition team is being briefed and they are briefed on a daily basis.

Whether you like it or not, Bush is President until January 20, 2009 12:00pm. Like it or lump it that is the way it is. Making up lies in an effort to confuse and obfuscate the truth will not change that one iota.

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