Thursday, February 22, 2007

Brian and Kellie

It appears that the WNNS morning drive hosts, Brian and Kellie, were fired yesterday due to some comments that Brian made about former First Lady Hillary Clinton.

Although some would argue that free speech has been violated, the fact of the matter is employers can and do punish employees for comments they make that are not work related; that said, I know Brian and Kellie and personally feel this action is unjustified.

Let us look at the issue here, what he said was that Hillary had previously said she "loathed" the military. I have no absolute proof she said that, but for me actions speak louder than words; it has been clear that the Clintons have little use for the military and treated them with utter disdain.

Brian and Kellie had a large following, considering the size of Springfield and their morning show was always upbeat, positive and lively; unlike others such as Jim Leach that cannot get through an entire program without berating the President, Vice President or spewing his liberal BS out.

Oh, btw - guess who is now on WNNS in the afternoons? You guessed it! Jim "No Brain" Leach.

So much for Mid-West Family Broadcasting being above partisan politics.


Anonymous said...

It wasn't Hillary. It was bad management.

Anonymous said...

Nobody said it was Hillary and I agree bad management.

wnns SUCKS bigtime now.

Jim Leech can kiss my ass too.

Anonymous said...

Thank God I got Sirius when I did because this is another reason why Springfield radio sucks big ass right now and forever will as long as there is a company like MWF Broadcasting in this town! You don't see Clear Channel firing all of the people over at WFMB nor do you see Saga firing Dave and Dina do you? Well, something is definitely the matter with Mr. Kevin Kavanugh and whoever else runs WNNS and the Midwest Family Broadcasting operation!!!

Anonymous said...

Kevin is a dick, always has been always will be.

Anonymous said...

did it ever occur to anyone that maybe the reason these two dolts were fired was because they actually just SUCKED at programming a radio station, and that the firing just happen to occur at the same time of this hillary bs?

theres only so long you can beat a station into the ground before someone looks up and goes "alright, time to go." this has NOTHING to do with political crap.

Anonymous said...

This wasn't political. Midwest Family (aka Long Nine) is the same company that allows Bruce Strom's campaign co-chair to have the airway for three hours each day Monday - Friday during afternoon drive time. Of course this time is used for parroting local Republican talking points, spreading disinformation, and whatever else they feel will help Bruce out. Doesn't look like being a Republican gets you fired from this outfit at all.....