Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Thoughts from the Deck

I was sitting on my deck late last night and was pondering about the state of politics today. Idaho Senator Larry Craig is in deep trouble; and maybe the Republicans in the Senate have returned to their roots. Despite the protestations to the contrary, Craig plead guilty to engaging in what I will call unsavory behaviour. If you believe him, and I do not, he was not smart enough to hire an attorney to handle the matter for him; instead, he plead guilty in hopes that it would just all go away.

I would consider Craig a man of reasonable intelligence and as any man with a reasonable amount of brain would tell you - YOU NEVER HANDLE A LEGAL MATTER WITHOUT CONSULTING WITH AN ATTORNEY - and you do not plead guilty to a crime you did not commit. Craig of all people should have realized that sooner or later the story was going to break and it would spin endlessly out of control.

The Senator has two-stepped this issue faster than a 20 year old couple on a Country & Western dance floor.

Of course that also brings us to the Republican leadership, who almost immediately asked the Ethics Committee to open an investigation into his actions and determine if any Senate Rules have been violated. They moved a few nano-seconds shy of the speed of light in doing so, which of course was the RIGHT thing to do. Now, there are distant calls from within the Republican Party for Craig to resign.

Now that I am thinking about it, Craig is not a man of reasonable intelligence, if he were he would have first not engaged in the behaviour, second he would have hired an attorney immediately, and third he would have already resigned.

Two hats off for the Republican Leadership and a pair of dirty trousers for the Senator.


I find it amusing that when a Democratic fundraiser is accused of malfeasance, there is one excuse after another from the left (as has been the case with Norman Hsu - a fundraiser for the Clinton campaign) yet let even a moderate Republican be caught up in a mess like this and the Democrats pull out the rope and call for a 1880's hanging.

I am a Republican through and through, and make no apologies for that; but I also call 'em like I see 'em and when a Republican engages in behaviour that I believe is detrimental to the party or country I call for them to go; likewise when someone accepts contributions from a thief who is on the run, I call on them to return every dime immediately.

So, Senator Craig - I call upon you to resign your seat immediately and Hillary I call upon you to return every dime you have received from Hsu.

I will not bet the mortgage that either will listen to me.

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