Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Thompson - His Race to Lose

Senator Fred Dalton Thompson is a conservative, much to the chagrin of the Los Angeles and New York Times. It is important to note that when a newspaper attacks a candidate (which both of these have done with Thompson) it is for only two possible reasons: 1. they are attempting to sell more papers, or 2. they are scared of the candidate. It does not take a Nuclear Engineer to determine which is the case here.

Thompson has a down home likeability to him however more importantly he has a shoot-straight personna that many have compared to President Ronald Reagan and that voters have a tendency to migrate towards. He is well spoken and has a voice that is very easy to listen to.

The leading Republican candidates: Mitt Romney, Rudy Giuliani, and John McCain all face the troubling prospect of losing support almost immediately.

Mitt Romney will lose the conservative voters who are not ready for a Mormom to be elected President and the social conservatives who do not believe Romney has a strong enough history to be trusted with the nations highest office.

Giuliani will lose the social conservatives that believe in a strong defense but are wary of Giuliani on the social front.

John McCain - He is one presss conference away from pulling out of this race. McCain wanted to be annointed the heir apparent, but the new breed of Republican voters are no longer willing to entrust the nations highest office to someone just for party loyalty....you need to stand for something, and John McCain has flipflopped one time to many for a lot of them.

This is Thompsons race to lose.....the real question is, will he?

1 comment:

Teej MacArthur said...

So now that Thompson's out, who are you supporting? How about Romney?