Sunday, June 15, 2008

Pleasant Nursey - No customer service

A situation materialized recently with Pleasant Nursey in Springfield that actually shocked me. I know that customer service is really just given lip service at most businessses, but this is one that takes the cake.

A customer, someone who has shopped there no numerous occasions takes a sample of their lawn into the nursey, presumably to have it identified and irradicated from the lawn. The customer explains to the clerk that they are there with a sample and would like someone to identify it, and tell them how to get rid of it.

The clerk graciously calls one of the guys in the back, and explains the issue. What does this "expert" do? Tells the customer that they are eating their lunch and they will have to wait. Now, if that is not bad enough; when the customer calls one of the owners, they are told basically to take their business elsewhere since they were not willing to wait. The owner attempted to compare themselves to a Dr.'s office, which in my opinion is the lamest excuse I have ever seen a business owner use in justifying their laziness in taking care of a paying customer.

I am sorry if I happen to be the first person to explain it to Pleasant Nursery, but you are not on the same level with a Dr.'s office, and furthermore; when you are waiting on a Dr. it is not because they are stuffing their face.

Pleasant Nursery has made it clear to not only the customer, but with me in a phone call to verify the authenticity of the information, that they do not give a damn about customer service. I think it is time for Frank to retire.....because it is obvious that customer service is no longer important to him.

By the way Frank.....that customer you told to take their business elsewhere? They took that business to Chatham Road and gave them the business - to fix the lawn and to redo the landscaping in the front and back yards. I believe the estimate was somewhere in the range of $5,000.00.

I guess you really lost this one eh Frank?

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