Friday, July 11, 2008

Angel Food Cake is a racist term?

I am amazed at how idiotic some people can be. Having nothing better to do with their inept lives, they decide to find ways to make everyone else feel as inept and useless as they do.

Case in point is Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price. Apparently at a county commissioners meeting, Commissioner Kenneth Mayfield suggested that the Central Collections department was turning into a black hole......which was using an astronomical term that has been in use and existence for over fifty years.....and I have no doubt that is exactly what he meant; apparently Price got his shorts in a knot over it and started demanding an apology.

Late he suggested that the terms "Angel Food Cake" and "Devil's Food Cake" are racist terms as well and should not be used.

Really? I think Price needs to go to his bedroom and check the status of those shorts, they seems to be cutting off the blood flow to his brain.

So here's to John Wiley Price - I am going to bake a nice fluffy Angel Food Cake and take it to the office today. Oh, and I will have a sign next to it that says "In honor of John Wiley Price".


Anonymous said...

John Wiley Price never asked for an apology. JP Judge Thomas Jones demanded the apology.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like another fool who wants face time on the boobtube.

Oh wait, boobtube is that racist too?

Anonymous said...

Funny article!