Thursday, August 07, 2008

Are you crapping me Mark?

Today, Mark Murphy, the CEO of the Green Bay Packers made this comment in regards to the split between Favre and Green Bay:

"..."It's like a marriage that ends," It happens. Neither party is at fault."

Are you crapping me Mark? Neither party is at fault? If you honestly believe that your management team is not at fault in this fiasco, then you need to be fired as well.

When you have individuals, purposely planting false stories in an attempt to sway public opinion; when you have a general manager that says one thing and does another; when you have a marquee player tell you that he no longer trusts the GM and you do nothing to investigate - YOU HAVE A HUGE PROBLEM. PROBLEM = A MISTAKE WAS MADE = SOMEONE MADE THAT MISTAKE = SOMEONE IS AT FAULT!

A marriage does not end Mark without someone making a mistake.

I honestly thought you were the intelligent one in this mess; your latest comments call that assumption into question.

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