Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Clinton is Liberal, but this guy is SCARY

The more I read Barack Obama's positions the more I am amazed that anyone in their right mind supports this man. He is a socialist, and of that there is no question. Mr. Obama can deny that all he wants, his entire career has been based upon the belief of socialism.

Today's liberals are nothing like the liberals of the 70's and even the 80's. The days of common sense liberals who, although misguided, believed in personal responsibility and a sense of fairness are long gone. What we have today is extreme liberalism that makes no apologies for their firm belief in wealth redistribution, bigger government, and the mindset that they know best.

One can argue that socialism has failed so many times in so many countries that history should prove the system as a complete and utter failure; the problem is people like Obama do not believe that socialism is a failure, its implementation was and they would do a better job of that implementation.

I am, for the first time in my life, truly scared of a politician. The tag team consisting of the two most liberal members of the United States Senate running the White House should have every red blooded American shaking in their boots - these guys are SCARY!

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