Thursday, July 31, 2008

What in the hell? - 40 cents?

I am sorry, but on the heels of Exxon/Mobil showing the largest profit by an oil company in the history of the U.S., I find it offensive that they can justify a 40 cent a gallon increase in price when the price per barrel is still dropping.

40 cents a gallon? Come on, there is no way that Road Ranger or any of the other local suppliers can show any justification for this. I spoke with Road Ranger this morning to inquire how they could possibly justify such a large increase and of course I received the usual diatribe of "Well its a complicated formula, no one person sets the price..." blah blah blah

I will tell you what it is......its Bull spit pure and simple and its GREED.

I have no problem with companies making a profit and typically I want the government to stay out of private industry; however, oil is not a typical commodity in that our entire system is based on the use of oil and petro related products. This allows a very small number of companies to control a very large segment of society and that my friends is never a good thing.

If Road Ranger or any other company wants to explain this to me, I am all ears.

Oh, and so far today price per barrell is down over $2.00 a barrel.


Anonymous said...

they should be thrown in jail

Anonymous said...

I am suprised there is not more outrage on this price gouging.

Anonymous said...

I was floored this morning when I saw this. That is like over 10% increase in price in one day!

Btw, Road Ranger is out of Rockford and they are still at 3.599 as of this afternoon.

Anonymous said...

Road Ranger is the worst of all the local stations.