Thursday, August 03, 2006

Seems politics never ends

Springfield City Council on Tuesday voted down the secretive deal that CWLP negotiated with the Sierra Club Terorrists. Now I am all for preserving the environment, at least as far as my ability to go hunting is concerned but using coercion to accomplish that preservation goes beyond the limit.

The Sierra Club had threatened CWLP with holding up their construction on a new power plant unless CWLP signed an agreement that would require them to purchase a huge amount of wind power.

On the surface this may seem like a good idea, the problem is two fold:

1. CWLP never included the City Council in on the details of the deal and kept it a secret until a deal was hammered out. This was key for Mayor Tim Davlin, who likes to play politics with everything. The public was kept out of the loop until two weeks ago and even then the numbers as spewed forth by Todd Renfrow just do not add up. Frankly, I trust Todd about as far as I can throw his fat hiney.

2. CWLP does not need this power to meet its needs, hell, the power plant will have the ability to produce more power than we currently need by almost 50%. So what happens when we buy this power that we will not use? They will sell it at a loss. Todd Renfrow has already stipulated that he cannot guarantee that it will not lose money.

So why in the hell agree to the deal? That is a very good question of which nobody has been able to give a reasonable answer to. So far they have said that unless we do this the Sierra Club will cost us over a $100 million in additional costs.

Coercion at its best! Do what we want or we will delay you and cost your ratepayers more money!

In the end the Sierra Club will lose any legal fight they put up, and so I am of the opinion that the City Council made the right decision - call their bluff.

Yet, in the interests of continuing to play politics, our idiotic Mayor has introduced another ordinance to bring it back for another vote again. Why? Because one alderman was not present at the meeting on Tuesday. Which begs the question, why did Davlin even bring it to a vote this past week? Simple - P-O-L-I-T-I-C-S and nothing else.

Only this time, it may have backfired on the moron.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mr. Davlin will not be getting my vote next time around. I made the mistake of voting for him the first time but after this fiasco it won't happen again.