Monday, August 21, 2006

Calvary Temple Public Works Meeting

Well tonight was the night for Calvary Temple and their final meeting with Public Works. In essence what they are asking for is a zoning variance to allow them to build R-1 homes along the Eastern edge of South 2nd Street, North of I-72 and due South of Southern View Village.

According to the church they plan on building single family homes and their church in this area. Now when I say single family homes, I am not referring to their IDA plan which does include low income housing subsidies. They apparently are saving that one for a later date.

Now, before I go any further I believe I have an obligation to let everyone know that I have a vested interest in this proceeding. I am a resident of the Timberline Trail Subdivision and also happen to be the President of the Homeowners Association. I never considered it before so I apologize for not making that clear earlier.

The problem with this developmentn has been how Calvary and their engineers will handle the watershed as the runoff water moves South, under I-72 and along side of Timberline. One change they have made is to construct a water retention pond along the East edge of their property and they believe that by controlling the amount of water that is discharged from this retention pond, they will not adversely impact the existing retention pond and homes that sit along the Nothern edge of Timberline.

Tomorrow Phil Marten with Marten Engineering will be reviewing the valves and natural drainage to the east of the subdivision to ensure the Board of Directors that whatever water is released will not find its way into the already existing retention areas. If that is the case, it would appear at this juncture that the HOA would reconsider its decision to oppose the development.

More to follow in the coming days.

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