Thursday, August 24, 2006

Sheriff Neil Williamson Taking Heat

Sangamon County Sheriff, Neil Williamson is taking some strong heat since his son-in-law was arrested in the federal cocain ring investigation.

He has been painted with a pretty broad brush as if he had or has any control over what his son-in-law does. Granted, parents can and should be held responsible for what their children do, but when a child becomes an adult - they are on their own and no longer the responsibility of the parent.

Neil Williamson has done an outstanding job as sheriff and deserves better from the local media. Attempts to paint him in a bad light for something of which he had absolutely no control over is not just wrong, its morally corrupt reporting.

The sheriff has endured heat before and I have no doubt that he will endure this episode in time, I can only hope and suggest that the State Journal Register be honest with their reporting and not label a man for what someone else has done.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Williamson is a poor excuse for a Law Enforcement Official. He has turned his cheek when it comes to one of his golden boys. Lets comment on the Troy Sweeney incident. Here Troy who is a Deputy Sheriff is related to Neil and he gets slapped for drinking while in uniform and driving a marked squad car. Look back where Detective Jim Mitchell in an unmarked squad car off duty had been drinking and was caught. Neil was so upset that he did not offer
any employee assistance to help Detective Mitchell. He was intent on firing Detective Mitchell. WE HAVE DOUBLE STANDARDS HERE!!!!