Monday, November 10, 2008

Dan lungren - Is it possible? Could we have hope?

Dan Lungren a Representative from the 3rd Congressional District of California is reportedly considering challenging John Boehner for the House Minority Leader.

The House Minority Whip, Roy Blount, has already indicated that he will not seek the seat again; of course he is stating family reasons, but we all know its because of his inept leadership that has Blount stepping down.

Dan Lungren is the former Attorney General of California and now represents the 3rd district which includes parts of Sacramento, Solano county.

Lungren definitely has a strong conservative bent and could be considered a tough challenge for Boehner; we can only hope.

Boehner is a nice enough fella, but his time has come and gone and we need new leadership, so I say bring it on Dan......

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