Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Progressive Taxes - The Worst of the worst

There are some rumblings from those on the left that Illinois needs to move to an progressive state income tax. That would be the worst decision this state could make.

Progressive taxes stifle creativity, they punish those that work hard to improve and what it will generate in additional income will be temporary and outweighed by the increase in costs associated with processing the state income tax returns.

I have a better suggestion, how about we cut spending 20% across the board and reduce the tax base by 20%. You want to bring more business into Illinois? Lower the costs of doing business here. You want to be a haven for technology? Lower the taxes on companies that base their corporate headquarters here.

It is not rocket science, but I am beginning to realize that for some Democrats, its all about taking from the haves, regardless of how it effects the economy.

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