Friday, November 14, 2008

Mark Ritchie Must Step Aside

Mark Ritchie, the Minnesota Secretary of State is responsible for the recount of the hotly contested contest between the Republican Incumben, Norm Coleman and Democratic comedian, Al Franken.

However, Mr. Ritchie's recent comments and statements that are ON THE RECORD and his previous ties to ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) make his ability to perform his job as top elections administrator impossible.

The only way for Mr. Ritchie to come out of this looking like anything but the rear end of a horse, is to step aside and do so immediately.

Mr. Ritchie is biased and his comments in recent days have proven that and you cannot fairly judge an election recount when you have a stake in the outcome.

Mr. Ritchie I am calling on you to step aside and allow the Governor to appoint someone else to manage this mess.

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