Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The more I think about CWLP

The more I think about CWLP and how they handled this Sierra Club agreement the madder I get. The self appointed King of Springfield got upset when he lost the vote last week. So what does he do? He calls it back for another vote and that worthless wuss Mark Mahoney who was absent for the first vote knows he controls how it will end and there is no way he can vote against the self appointed King.

Mahoney was playing pure politics earlier today when he was critical of how it was handled, but he damned well knew he was going to vote for it.

The figures as put forth by CWLP just do not add up and they know it. They lied about the alderman being told previously (Todd Renfrow is someone whom I could never trust now) and are lying about the numbers and frankly they (Renfrow and his chief alien engineer) should be immediately fired. Do not hold your breath though, this King only fires Republicans.

Mahoney is a liar, a turncoat, a wuss, too damn chicken to stand up on his own two feet and I am fearful this moron is really going to screw some of us over on a proposed deal with Calvary Temple.

I can only hope that when its time to vote the next time the voters remember this fiasco and toss both of these leftists out on their preverbial ear;.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The whole arrangement is based upon false numbers and was not handled in a professional manner by the Mayor.