Sunday, August 06, 2006

Hezbullah rejects cease fire agreement

Wow, what a suprise! I was positive that Hezbullah was going to accept this cease fire agreement as it was negotiated between the United States and France...... ** NOT ** !

The Lebanese government through their complicity with Hezbullah rejected the cease fire agreement today and why? Because as long as the war continues they have something to blame on Israel.

Israel has shown great restraint in this whole conflict; they could, if they so wanted, completely destroy the Lebanese government, the infrastructure, and occupy all of its territory. Anyone who actually doubts this is apparently lacking in their history of the Israeli military and their ability to get the job done.

Hezbullah on the other hand, has only one purpose in mind and that is to be a thorn in the Israelis side and on a grander scale to see to the complete destruction of Israel. What they forget is, they have yet to beat the IDF in a single conflict let alone an entire war.

If Hezbullah keeps this up, the Israeli military establishment will grow weary of their strike and hide mentality and really go after them.....I only hope it comes sooner rather than later, for the sake of the innocent Israeli children.


Anonymous said...

Israel is a terrorist state that is only seeking to destroy their neighbors

D.W. said...

Ignorance is bliss, especially when it requires one to completely ignore the facts.