Thursday, November 06, 2008

Blaming Sarah Palin is shameful

With the election over and McCain being handed the biggest thumping of his career, McCain staffers have started making exuses over their inept handling of the campaign by blaming Palin for their loss.

The smacks of sour grapes, grasping to find someone to blame other than the people they should - Themselves. Let's face it, they screwed up. They conceded far too many races, left no room for error and got away from the basic philosophy of all elections are local, they deserved to lose. To come out after the election and blame someone who their own guy selected is shameful and am embarrassment for McCain.

Own up to your own mistakes, you had a candidate that could not find his own rear with both hands and an Admiral Bird expedition in this campaign, his mistakes are long and stupid and frankly I had a tough time voting for him, in the end I chose McCain over socialism but Palin was a non factor and anyone claiming anything different is a liar and they know it.

Step up and face the music staffers, you blew it and blaming her only makes you look worse.

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