Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Ok I am a little miffed

and I will admit I am sorely disappointed in the election results last night. I am still amazed that any American of Jewish descent actually gave the thought of voting for Obama more than a second thought, let alone actually pull the handle, but I can understand the feeling of helplessness.....I had it too.

After '94 when the Republican Party swept the Democrats out of control in the House and Senate, they went on a feeding binge as though they were a great white shark that had not had as much as a sliver of squid in six months. They increase spending, they spent more, increased spending and still spent more. Along came Bush with his compassionate conservatism and actually did pretty decently through the first four years before losing his senses in the second.

See, the difference between a conservative like myself and the Democrats (or those claiming to be a compassionate conservative) is that I am willing to admit when we make a mistake. I have never heard a single Democrat admit their administration or policies were a mistake or failure.

The Republicans have a rare opportunity here to clearly show the difference of someone of the far left like Obama and themselves, the only question is will the have the nerve to actually do it, polls be damned?

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