Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Nancy Pelosi - What happened to the last two years?

Speaker Pelosi made the following statement today "The American people have called for a new direction, a very important part of that change will be the bipartisanship, the civility in which we engage in our dialogue and the fiscal responsibility that we bring to our legislation".

I ask her, where the hell have you been for the past two years? Because I certainly have not seen an iota of civility from the Democratic leadership and bipartisanship? That is code for "Do it MY WAY".

You have had two years in which to engage in civility and bipartisanship and you have not done it, but since the Republicans had their head stuck in the sand pretending to be something they were not, they handed you another election.

I suppose this is no different that Mr. Obstructionist Barney Frank talking about the housing meltdown, of which he was the prime architect.

Oh well, I have 3 years 363 more days of political drama to write about...that is if I am still permitted to write.

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