Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Compassionate Conservatism is a joke

and here is a primary reason why. Over the past eight years, President Bush has operated not as a Republican, a keeper of the faith, a guardian of the people, and a stalwart of limited government; rather, he has operated as a "Compassionate Conservative".

Compassionate Conservatism is a euphemism for liberalism. It is a liberal who wants to sound like he is something he is not, it is a liberal that wants to be all things to all people.

We (Conservatives) lost this election because we forgot who we were and we allowed a President to operate as a liberal and defended him as though he was one of us; he was not, never was.

It is time that we return to our roots, return to what made us great, return to our values and refuse to compromise on those principles, if we do not we will never return to the position of gatekeepers of freedom.

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