Friday, November 21, 2008

Obama woefully late with Treasury

Word is coming out of Washington late this afternoon that Obama has chosen Tim Geithner, the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, for Treasury Secretary, and Bill Richardson, Governor of New Mexico as Commerce Secretary.

It has been almost three weeks since the election and the nominations are still not official. These decisions, albeit some of the most important ones that President-Elect Obama will make should have been made days after the election.

Part of the meltdown is Obama and his indecision on who he will nominate. This never should have happened; and its obvious that with Obama change means bringing back 90% of the Clinton Administration.

A bold move would have been to nominate a Republican, show that he is willing to cross party lines to attract the best of the best and all we have seen so far is a regurgitation of the past. I cannot help but be pessimistic.

1 comment:

Publia said...

Actually, isn't anything done before taking office pretty quick? This isn't a snotty question, I simply don't know.

Take some time to read some of the comments on news articles on Clinton II, I mean Obama, administration-elect. He is choosing an experienced team so that he will be ready on day one. And there will be change because he is the change and he is leading. It's the leader who counts! Hope you got that.

Oh, and its not just those people on the Internet who are wacko. I didn't take off my McCain sticker from the back window of my car yet, and I was dumb enough to park in a parking lot in a Democrat neighborhood. My right rear door is now keyed. Lovely people, eh?