Saturday, November 22, 2008

Returning to Prominence - Cont'd

This will be the final post on the returning to prominence issue. One only has to go back to the 1980 election of Ronald Reagan to see how campaigns should be run.

Everyone seems to think that Obama was the first campaign to use detailed information to build a coalition of voters, Reagan was the first and did so without the benefit of computers and the internet. They developed detailed notes and information on the voter base on a precinct by precinct basis. They knew how those voters had voted, what issues were important to them, what issues were not.

All of that information was gathered, cataloged and perfected on a local level, at the precinct, street by street, house by house with just volunteers. That information is what helped Reagan hone his message so that it had broad appeal, but even more importantly they tailored their campaign material to each group and area.

All we saw with McCain was the same ads, same stories, in every locale and it had a look of being tired, old and worn. I do not fault McCain directly, his campaign staff was horrible, they did a poor job showing that their candidate was a candidate of change. They were yes man and women and did not do McCain any service with their actions.

If the Republican party truly wants to return to prominence they need to get back to the local level, they need to gather information on the voters, their patterns, their wants, their desires, what issues are important to them and then tailor the Republican message to those voters.

Remember all elections are local, and they won ONE VOTE AT A TIME!

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