Friday, November 07, 2008

Economy is not the worst since FDR

It is in trouble, there is no doubt about that, but calling it the worst since FDR is just plain irresponsible. In 1980 we had interest rates reaching 20%, inflation running out of control at a staggering 12% and unemployment that was close to 8%.

Someone, please anyone show me where that is better than today?

That cannot because it is not. The last thing we need as well is another government funded bailout package. If these companies cannot survive on their own, then they should be allowed to fail.

This is going to turn into the largest grab of private enterprise by the federal government in the history of the country.


Anonymous said...

Where in the hell did you get these facts? cite your source

Anonymous said...

If this is not the worst, then your definition needs adjustment

Anonymous said...

this aint a recession its a depression, morons like you are too stupiod to reliaze it.